About Us

Charity & Donation

Parent Education

Charity & Donation

About elMiphtah

The LORD Help Those Who Help Themselves

EL-Miphtah Global Foundation is a registered foundation with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 10th June, 2012, for the purpose of offering humanitarian services, and ...

Our Vision

“We envision a global not-for-profit organization, where gender balance approach is adopted at all times in our activities, as it relates to becoming a key player read more....”

Our Mission

“We are a group of unbiased gender focused compatriots, with the sole mission of serving humanity with total commitment, and non-negotiable diversity, devoid of ...read more

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Every Muslim Needs To Realise The Importance Of The "Pillar" Of Islam

Our Team

Meet Our Trustees

Miftah Ishola Zakariyah


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Mustafa Kamal


Nahiyan Momen


Asfaque Ali
